I just love seeing photos of things other people have made using my patterns, makes all the hard work worth it. Here is a Samira Bonnet sent to me from a lovely reader, Ayinda. Complete with the cutest matching booties! Thanks Ayinda.
PomPoms and Puffs
We are coming into winter here in Australia so I created these thick puff stitch hats to keep my kiddy’s heads warm during the cooler months ahead. As with all of my patterns, feel free to sell the finished product if you wish. Hook: 5mm (US 8/H) Yarn: 2 strands of 8 ply (I used…
Baby Bunting
Here is what I’ve been working on for my baby boy while waiting for him to make his appearance (he was due last Sunday). I was going to write out the pattern but then I found this one which is practically the same anyway.
Getting back into it.
I have decided to slowly, slowly start crocheting again. After an hour of trepidation and a few minutes of looking at my crochet hook and feeling a bit nauseous I took the plunge and started a new project. I decided to do something that was extremely quick and easy so that I didn’t overwhelm myself….
So it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything. I thought I may have been over the morning sickness but it’s still lingering and unfortunately the thought of picking up a crochet hook makes my stomach churn – I can’t even look at Ravelry without feeling nauseous! I really miss it but at the same…
Lamb Loves Fox
My newest project: http://lamblovesfox.blogspot.com.au/ ………… As if I didn’t have enough to do.
Merry Christmas!
Hope you have a good one.