So it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything. I thought I may have been over the morning sickness but it’s still lingering and unfortunately the thought of picking up a crochet hook makes my stomach churn – I can’t even look at Ravelry without feeling nauseous! I really miss it but at the same time I can’t bear to think about it. Thank you so much Jessie for clearing up the Samira Bonnet issue, It had been weighing heavy on my mind for some time now, I have updated the pattern with the corrections. Only 5 weeks to go and hopefully I will be back to my normal self (only this time with a toddler and a newborn to look after).
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Good luck 🙂
Adorable picture. Hope you feel better soon! Thanks again for the beautiful pattern, I’ve had a slew of nieces born in the last couple of months so I’ve been churning them out 🙂