Baby Brain

I made this pixie bonnet and matching booties for a good friend of mine. I LOVE the light/dirty pinky sort of colour and I’ve been using it a lot lately but it is IMPOSSIBLE to photograph. This is where all those years studding photomedia should come in handy. But alas, I’ve drawn a blank. Thousands of study hours (and dollars!!!!) and nothing. I guess it was a fair few years ago now and in my defense all I’ve done since then is look after my baby girl – playing baby games and talking gibberish – not exactly intense brain exercise.

If anyone is interested in a pattern for these I’m sure I could whip one up.

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  1. Oh me too – just gorgeous. I am just learning to crochet, and this looks like a great piece to start on!

  2. This is a beautiful set and I would appreciate the pattern. I have a granddaughter who’d look lovely wearing this!

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