Amelie’s Dress


Ok, so this one is going to take me longer to write out than I thought. So please bear with me. It should be up soon!

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  1. Hi, I’m looking forward to seeing your pattern as I would like to make it for another little girl called Amelie.

  2. I hope you will be posting this pattern soon!! I keep checking and no pattern. This dress is just beautiful and I want to make it for my friend’s daughter. Thanks.

  3. Hi there, I can’t wait to see the pattern! Do you know when you might publish it? I am pregnant with twin girls and, as I have a lot of free time now, I was hoping to be able to make the dress before they pop out! Then I am afraid I won’t have much time for a couple of years…. 🙂 thank you!

    1. Hi, I’m so sorry, I gave myself a two week deadline but something very unexpected happened within those two weeks and I haven’t be able to do any crochet or respond to messages or even update my blog. I really do apologize, it’s at the top of my priority list and as soon as things return to normal I’ll get cracking on it.

  4. I saw this picture on pinterest and fell in love. I hope everything calms down a bit, but remember taking care of yourself and your family is most important. I patiently await seeing the pattern.

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