
Lost Dog

I found this little guy on my op-shopping trip today. He was stuffed in a pile of old linen, unfinished and unloved. I decided at once to adopt him. When I asked the lady how much he was she took one look at him, turned up her nose and said ’10 cents?’. I couldn’t let him be so cheap so I gave her 2 dollars instead. I decided to crochet around the edge in red but that’s as far as I got. I’m now deciding whether to display him as he is or use him as a centerpiece on a quilt for my daughter. I’d like to make him into a quilt, surrounded by 1930s feedsack material – the only problem is that I suck at sewing. I couldn’t even sew a straight line to save my life.

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  1. Make a quilt! You know everyone will say that 🙂 having muddled my way through my first one, I’d say don’t worry too much about the straight line thing, the good thing about quilts is that there’s smaller pieces to sew first, so you get the practise as you go. If you’re doing a patchwork quilt, there will so so many bits, you’ll be a lot more confident by the time you get to anything big. Also, it sounds like it should look a little ‘rustic’, and that’s very forgiving! And don’t forget, you couldn’t crochet once.

    1. Thanks for the words of encouragement! I think I will make a quilt, I’ll put it on the to-do list. Maybe a beginners class would help. And I might have to dig out the sewing machine from the dreaded spare room, which is really just a room where I pile all the things I don’t know what to do with until I can’t get to anything on the other side of the room – or even open the door. That’s another thing for the to-do list.

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