
Easter Treats!

This year will be Amelie’s first proper Easter (last year she was still drooling and unable to move from wherever I plonked her) so I feel the pressure to make it extra special. I don’t want her to consume TOO much chocolate so I’m going to scatter around a combination of chocolate eggs and other goodies for her to find. No doubt she will be more interested in the chocolate than the other treats but at least I’ve made an effort. So here’s what I’ve done:


I bought these plastic fill-able Easter eggs from the $2 shop and I’m going to fill them with healthy(er) treats like sultanas and also things she can play with like fabric flowers and paper confetti:



To mark the occasion I also made her a bunny with her name and the year on the back. It was easy to make, all you need is some Sculpey (or something similar), some alphabet stamps and a chocolate mold. The tutorial on how to make him can be found here.



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