Granny Love

The humble granny square is one of the things that first drew me to crochet and made me want to learn, yet in all my years of crocheting I hadn’t actually made anything with granny squares. Part of the reason for this is that blankets (even small ones) scare me, it’s such a huge, time…

Hoat Cangers

This is more than a little embarrassing to admit but for the longest time I thought that coat hangers were actually pronounced ‘hoat cangers’. It’s a mistake I made as a small child and never really thought about untill…… well, quite a bit later. In my defense I’m extremely dyslexic and this is not the…

In Other News

In Other News

Firstly…. I had my 20week ultrasound the other day. Having convinced myself that the baby was a little girl I was surprised to find out that in fact….. The same day I went out to buy something boyish and I have to say that I was more than a little disappointed in the range of…


OK, so I haven’t posted in a while. Not because of lack of inspiration or laziness or because I had nothing to show – although all of these are true to some extent. The main culprit is this little munchkin: I thought I knew morning sickness, I had it with my first – I was…

My New Love

I’ve recently become obsessed with tapestry crochet. I saw a book about it in our local bookshop, I went straight home and YouTubed it (as you do). It looked so much easier than I had imagined so I immediately set to work on a simple snow flake design. 3 hours later and with aching wrists…


I’ve been busy photographing items to sell on ETSY. I’m starting to wonder if it’s really worth it. Of course it is an advantage being a photographer but it’s definitely not an advantage being a perfectionist. I could spend a whole day just photographing and editing the images for one little item. I’ve just finished…


It was a race to the finish line but I did it! I was still weaving in ends on the morning of her birthday but she got to wear it for her party. I’m particularly proud of myself as it was the first time I’ve made something from a (particularly confusing) chart and not a…


Its my daughters 2nd birthday tomorrow. We can’t afford any extravagant presents this year so I’m making her a dress. I actually finished it yesterday but being the perfectionist that I am i decided that it wasn’t quite how i imagined it so, with a heavy heart, I unraveled about 3 quarters of it. Now…